Virtual Campus Blog

Check us out!
June 3, 2008, 1:34 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The BGSU Virtual Campus in Second Life has recently added three new islands to its growing continent! The islands are named BGSU Collaborate, BGSU Community, and BGSU Interaction and the original island will be renamed BGSU Creation. Regular visitors should note that renaming the existing island will not change any SLURLS or landmarks.

Over the next couple of weeks you will notice that existing structures and environments may be relocated to new areas and new construction will begin on the 4 islands. Some SLURLS and landmarks may need to be adjusted accordingly. We will also be making improvements to the telehub area, making it easier to traverse the larger continent.

If you are a BGSU faculty member or student and would like to request specific classroom space or you have other needs, please let us know as it may help our planning process. Also, keep an eye out for our “Call for Participation” that will be posted here and on our site within the next week. As always we encourage and welcome your feedback.

That’s not all!
Our student employee, Nick Schroeder, has recently completed work on our new logo! We’re happy to show off the new design for the BGSU Virtual Campus inSL.

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