Category Archives: Tcom highlights

Dr. Park’s solo article accepted for publication in the journal “Mass Communication & Society”

Dr. Sung-Yeon Park’s essay “Mediated intergroup contact: Concept explication, synthesis, and application” is accepted for publication in “Mass Communication & Society.” The article is based on her earlier ICA Top paper (2009) and elaborates the concept of mediated intergroup contact by synthesizing media stereotype research and intergroup contact theory in social psychology.

Dr. Gi Woong Yun to serve on editorial advisory board for the Asian Journal of Communication

Dr. Gi Woong Yun has been asked to serve on the editorial advisory board for the Asian Journal of Communication. Launched in 1990, AJC is jointly run by the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information of Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC). It is published by Taylor & Francis, which handles its production and marketing.

is a refereed international publication that provides a venue for high-quality communication scholarship. It focuses on the systems and processes of communication in the Asia-Pacific region and Asian communities around the world. AJC brings to its readers the latest, broadest and most important findings in Asian communication research. It follows a rigorous procedure of double-blind peer review to maintain its high standard of scholarship. The journal has been listed in the Thomson Reuters Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) since 2008.  It is the only communication journal from Asia that has been included in the index.

Jose Cardenas is Director of Photography of supernatural thriller film to be premiered this March

Jose Cardenas is the Director of Photography of the supernatural thriller Closed for the Season. The film will be premiered on March 14 in the Monster-Mania. The film was produced by BGSU alum Jay Ellison’s ShadowCast Pictures and several TCOM students were crew members for the movie.

Congrats to Kathryn “Kat” Sibio, an undergraduate TCOM student of Dr. Lori Liggett

During Spring semester, 2009, the TCOM 260 class: “Writing for Electronic Media”  at Bowling Green State University, ran a “contest” to produce a :30 second public service announcement for the  National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Northwestern Ohio Chapter.  The “prize” for the contest was to have the writer’s script produced to air on FOX Toledo, WUPW-TV.

BGSU graduate, Trisha Courtney-Tishler, Director of Media/MS Promotions, was to judge of the scripts and choose the one showing the most universal appeal to air year-round.  Fellow Alum and BGSU Adjunct Instructor, Dave Skorupski, Research Director for FOX Toledo, WUPW-TV, volunteered to produce the spot.

The “winning” script was written by (then) Sophomore student, Kathryn “Kat” Sibio, a student of Dr. Lori Liggett.

Sibio’s script was chosen because of its simplicity and reinforcement of the “Movement” theme used by the National MS Society.  The script emphasized the differences between being an active participant in life and sitting as an observer.  The script also drew attention to the relationship of MS patients to their families.

Due to scheduling difficulties, Sibio was unable to be present during taping of the PSA, but she was present for the editing process.  As she discovered, even though she envisioned her script to appear a certain way, additions, subtractions and other revisions were still necessary to complete the spot.  Some of the biggest surprises in production came in choosing video clips, music, graphic fonts as well as scene transitions.

These simple, yet complicated decisions, can play a major part in the mood and feel of the piece and should not be taken lightly.

3 TCOM faculty received university service-learning grants

Three TCOM faculty members: Jose Cardenas, Dr. Lori Liggett and Dave Moody received the 2009-10 university service learning grants of $3,000 each person.  TCOM department is the only department in the university that have 3 faculty members received three service learning grants at the same time.  Jose Cardenas and Dr. Liggett will work on Centennial celebration video and writing projects and Dave Moody’s project will be implemented in his Chapman Learning Community and TCOM2700 Minorities in Film/Video class.