Category Archives: Fulbright

Dr. Radhika Gajjala, Fulbright Norway recipient for 2015-2016


Dr.  Radhika Gajjala, Professor in Communication Department and the American Culture  Program at BGSU will be heading Norway (University of Bergen) on Fulbright Professorship for the AY 2015-2-16. During her stay there she will be working on her research project on “Crafting Post-coloniality and Critical Digital Humanities Research (#DHCRIT)” for which she will conduct ethnographic research on two intersecting projects. One looks at mobile technologies and diasporic South Asians and the other looks at fiber/handcrafting  communities and their use of digital technologies globally. She will bring these two topics together in the context of Postcolonial Science and Technology studies and Digital Media/Cultures Research. She will also be co-teaching courses offered through University of Bergen on topics such as Digital Culture, Information Society, History and Philosophy of Computer Technologies, and Gender and Game Studies.

see the following link for an announcement on the UiB website”å-digital-kultur?utm_content=buffer3fb56&utm_medium=social&