When one person in a couple or a family has an illness the whole unit is affected. Our own Dr. MC has a series of publications exploring dyadic illness management (couples managing cancer or chronic illness) with her colleagues Dr. Kathryn Greene (Rutgers University), Dr. Maria Venetis (Purdue University), and Dr. Maria Checton (College of St. Elizabeth). The most recent publication came out in Health, Education, and Behavior yesterday (you should be able to access it here: http://heb.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/1090198114557121v2.pdf?ijkey=Q9u9h9kENN9A2lE&keytype=finite). You may have seen the earlier post about another publication that was in press at Communication Monographs – that publication is now available as well (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03637751.2014.971415#.VGYQ4L5tSv0).
Congrats Drs MC, Greene, Venetis, and Checton!