9.18.09 Reader Response

                In my argumentative essay, I plan on writing about the issue of parents monitoring their children online. First off, I feel that parents should not monitor their children without their children being aware of it. Part of the growing stage for adolescents is the right to have a gain in independency and privacy. When parents are secretive and sneaky about monitoring it may only make matters worse for their adolescent.

                I decided to choose this topic because it interested me the most and I can relate to it. I spend a lot of time online and use some of the major social networks like Facebook and MySpace. I am also a young-adult that was closely monitored not so much online, but with life in general. I am passionate for the belief that adolescents and young adults need (yes, NEED) independency and privacy. I believe that secretiveness from parents can cause rebellion by children and also, possibly more important, lack and loss of communication between parents and children.

                In writing the essay, I will begin by obtaining some simple research about why young-adults and adolescents need independency and privacy. The body paragraphs will be rationale topics that back up why young-adults and adolescents need privacy. These topics will be decided after basic research is obtained on the topic. Possible topics may include: adolescent rebellion, the safety of social networking, why adolescents need privacy, and more.

The tentative thesis for the essay is: “Parents should not monitor their children without their children being aware of it.”

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