3.Visual Narrative

For this assignment, our class was first introduced to what a literacy was. When learning this, we looked at the word literacy at many different angles along with many different meanings. This assignment was focused on personal literacies. We has to create some kind of visual presentation whether it was a video, audio, poster board, Power Point, or any other ways you could think of as long as it had images and explanations to what you saw literacy being. I specifically focused on how I have developed literacy by my locations and specific people who have helped me learn this method. I chose to do a Power Point presentation because a lot of the pictures I wanted to use were online and I feel that a presentation showing pictures and captions was the best way to present myself. I gathered some pictures of my friends, family, the schools I attended, books I have read, magazines I have read and simple games from when I was growing up that has helped me develop my understanding of literacy.

This is what my visual narrative project looked like.

Visual Narrative

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