1/23 Blog
Friday January 23rd 2009, 10:43 am
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– We use visuals so we can use our reading and writing skills to draw maps, diagrams, interpret symbols such as when we are driving and see a stop sign. We use visual literacy every day. A visual makes its meanings with images or patterns or sequences. Simply by seeing something makes us learn from it.

-The role visuals play in communication by writing, speaking, drawing, or gesture, by using words, numbers, images, symbols or colors.

-Visuals are important in our everyday lives, many information texts use visual elements, visual texts are accessible to all readers, visual texts are complex, multilayered texts, visual texts communicate certain information more clearly than verbal texts, students need practice in choosing the appropriate text to use,visual text are widely used in electronics, can help with comprehension, planning an essay and life planning for your future career.

Post 2 1/16 Blog
Friday January 16th 2009, 11:19 am
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In an average week, some literacy acts I perform would be listening to people talk as I go from place to place, understanding what is being said in class when a professor is talking, speaking by answering questions that are presented in class or talked about amongst my friends, reading homework assignments or the daily paper presented on BGSU’s campus, writing down any notes I am taking during a class to help me later understand what is being taught in that class that particular day. All of these concepts go hand in hand with each other, once I have one of them, I more than likely will have all of them.

Week 1 Post 1 1/14
Thursday January 15th 2009, 10:03 pm
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1. What I expect from this class is to have a good understanding on how to stay organized and maybe get feedback from other students about my work that will help me in the future with my career. I have never done blogging before, so I hope to have a good idea of how blogging really works since it is so popular in today’s society.

2. My opinion of what literacy means is that it is having the ability to read and being able to comprehend what you read. In terms of writing from a more of a personal view. I think it is more opinion statements that relate to the modern world.

3. We write because it helps us explore our ideas on paper and helps us get our own opinions out to others. We read it, we learn from it and it helps us express more ideas to come up with concepts. This is how people learn and think of new things to express to our society today.