2/4 Blog
Wednesday March 04th 2009, 10:36 am
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Our PSA relates to technology and literacy. We discuss about how the elderly people (the baby boomers) do not really know about the newest technology in our society today. We show how college students should be more considerate in helping their grandparents out with the newest technology. We show this message by using a powerpoint presentation so that the viewers can see and hear how we explain what is going on. Literacy is teaching others to learn how to read and write. In this PSA we are teaching others how to use technology in a literacy kind of way. College students are using their knowledge in literacy and helping the elderly learn a simple way of how to use technology. In our first project we showed the many ways of literacy that are in our life, in our second project we showed how literacy affected the type of person we are today and now we are showing how to use literacy to help the other people around us that need our knowledge.

3/2 Blog
Monday March 02nd 2009, 10:35 am
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Yesterday my group got together and took pictures for our PSA. We had a great plan from the start, but since we could not gather all of the material we switched it around somewhat but it still turned out great. We ended up taking more pictures than we needed but we figured it is better to do too much than too little. It was very simple to do after we had a plan figured out. Our pictures turned out great and now we are just working on putting it together today and working on our script as well. We have divided up our time very wisely so we are not rushed to do everything but we get everything done in a timely manner and to turn in on time. We have all worked together equally as a group and I think this overall experience has been very good. I usually do not like group projects because it is sometimes hard to meet with everyone in your group at a particular time, but our group has worked out quite nicely. We are almost finished!

2/25 Blog
Wednesday February 25th 2009, 10:37 am
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A computer is an important tool to have in school because it provides logically information that will help students through their class work. It is an easy way to communicate with other students from a teacher to student or student to student. It helps students stay organized with their classes and class room work. It also helps students with spelling grammar and neatness because otherwise students would have to hand write all of their work which using a computer is easier to use typing wise. Also, it is sometimes hard when students have to write a paper or research something if students were just to use books from the library, books needed may already be checked out and being used so that other students can not access them. When going online to the internet you can just stay at home from your own computer and look up information on your own without having to check anything out or wait to use something because it is being used by another student.


A store clerk

A computer is a good tool to use in education because it helps students stay on task and organized. When it comes to particular classes such as english, it is important when writing a paper to look up information with logical proof supporting your topic you are talking about. Sometimes when a student is in the library, it is very time consuming to try and find that specific book you are looking for to write that paper for the english class. Or when you finally found the book you need in the library, it is already checked out by another student. Therefore, a student could just go onto the internet to look up schloarly journals to help you support your topic without having to wait for that particular book that was already being used. It helps students stay organized and helps people communicate easier with one another. You can talk through many ways but a more easy and best way to communicate is probably through e-mail. When having a problem or concern with something, you could just e-mail that specific person rather than trying to track them down to talk to them about it.

2/23 Blog
Monday February 23rd 2009, 10:41 am
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I think some criteria that should be used in our PSA assignment would be time amount of the PSA such as anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute. That it has a clear image of what the audience is suppose to get out of this. A clear point of who the audience is, should be able to know what age level we are getting at. The creativity of the PSA maybe not completely made up on our own but show that we watched the examples given and we made one some what like it but not exactly. A message that the audience will see in text writing at the end of the PSA. A way to see that all of the memebers from the group participated. Cited sources if used any.

PSA Ideas 2/22
Sunday February 22nd 2009, 8:32 pm
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1.) A video showing that litering is bad and that we should recycle to avoid hurting nature and animals. Our audience would be aimed towards all ages.

2.) A video showing that old people should not drive because they will are more prone to cause accidents. Our audience would be aimed towards ages 55 years and older.

3.) A video showing that facebook could ruin reputations. Our audience would be aimed towards ages 14-25.

2/20 Video Blog
Friday February 20th 2009, 11:01 am
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Everyone responded to it like it was a very big deal. They passed it around and told their friends and it really shows that news travels fast. The girl whose pictures it is seems very upset and ashamed about the picture. They showed how fast people talk about things and how it is usually bad outcomes. The voice at the end of the preview kind of sounded like this was a deadly thing. They made it sound like the worst thing that anyone could do which is a good voice to have in this type of situation because when viewers hear it, they will be more intimated and scared to do the thing that they are portraying in the message. The text is in red on a black screen which stands out more and is a bit more scary looking. It kind of flashes before your eyes as the voice is talking. I think overall it is a good video to portray viewers not to post things online and that people should really think before they post. I also think it is good that they mentioned at the end that family members will see it too because it shows how friends will see it just within your school and how fast it got passed around but it is also important for them to mention that family members will see it too because I think that means more to most people.

2/20 Blog
Friday February 20th 2009, 10:39 am
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This piece of information is very interesting. I think it is weird how the certain cultures learn differently. I would think that it would be higher now than it was in 1971. It is amazing to see that two thirds of that one billion in the world today are women that are illiterate. I always thought that women were more intelligent than men. I always thought that was a known fact. I always have thought it was amazing to see when people can come up with statistics of the world around us because how can they figure out around what percentage of the way our world is? I think a lot of it for the children aspect, is maybe because a lot of children do not go to school therefore they do not learn as quickly as most children do.

2/18 Blog
Wednesday February 18th 2009, 10:43 am
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Technology is used everyday all around the general public. Mostly everyone you see has a cell phone. They use it to talk on, to text or to surf the web. The web gives everyone the opportunity to surf all the information they want to. If someone wants to know something, all they have to do is log online and with a simple type and click you can find out anything you want to. There is also another popular role of technology which is music. Whether it is in a car, on an ipod/mp3 player, on a stero from a cd or radio music is usually all around us. There are lots of other ways technology is used in our society today. It plays the role of serving others a purpose of enjoyment, entertainment, organization, comfort, and lots of other feelings. People learn from it everyday. However, people may be finding out good information but often bad information too. It helps us keep up with the rest of the world today. It helps us learn, read and write just like literacy does. Some of our greatest literacy experiences are probably most likely from technology. However, for example, just today technology served me a bad purpose because I was trying to upload a paper onto a website and since my version of microsoft was the newest version, it was not uploading correctly. How was that my fault? I blamed the technology.

Peer Workshop 2/16
Monday February 16th 2009, 10:40 am
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It seems like in every writing course I have had to write a paper for, I have had a peer workshop. I think these are helpful in a way, but then again I think they are a waste of time also. I feel that if a student has a lot of their paper done and another student comments on his or her paper, that student is not going to take the time to make all the changes the other student has mentioned to do if it is a big hassle. In a lot of cases I feel, that when students read other students work, their response is “oh good job” or “yes I think this is good” which does not really give the full feedback in what a student wants or needs. I think it is good to do a peer workshop when a student has an outline of what he or she is going to write about. I do not think it is very good to do a peer workshop when the student has a rough draft of what he or she is going to write about. When having an idea like an outline of what a student is going to write about, it is good for another student to make comments and concerns about their piece of writing so that student has a good idea of what is good and bad before he or she even starts writing. I think with the rough drafts, I think that should be a time where the professor or teacher is able to make comments or concerns with the piece of writing rather than the other students.

Overall I think peer workshops are a good idea, but from past experiences I know that many professors do it differently. I think sometimes it puts a lot of stress on the students to have a dead line for certain things he or she need to have done in time just for some feedback from other students. However, it may be a good idea because it could keep a student on task.

Monster Blog 2/13
Friday February 13th 2009, 10:46 am
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My monster looks like some kind of mad scientist in the face with a kangaroo shaped body and tail. I used bright green for the spikey hair, the eyes, outline of the mouth, claws on his hands and the claws on his feet. His body if outlined in a turquoise blue, also turquoise blue for the eyebrows, nose, hands/paws, feet/paws, and tail. His body is lightly shaded in with the turquoise blue as well. I used pink to fill in the color for his open mouth and part of his body. My monster is standing up on two legs with his hands/paws in front of him as if he is begging. His tail is visible and sticks straight up behind him. His hair is spikey and all over the place on his head and his mouth is open.