2/11 Blog Rhetorical Appeal
Monday February 09th 2009, 5:24 pm
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In George H. Williams’s rhetorical appeal, he discusses a quick understanding of ethos, pathos and logos and how it is used to persuade the audience you are writing for. Ethos is the first topic, stating that it is used for the audience’s perception of credibility or authority such as if the writer has a clear […]

2/9 Blog
Monday February 09th 2009, 10:35 am
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Based on the readings, a literacy narrative should be descriptive and about something you are interested in. Something that tells a personal story about you in interesting detail sort of manner. A past event that not many people know about and what shaped you to become the person you are today. An experience you have […]

Bakhtin’s quote Blog 2/5
Thursday February 05th 2009, 9:19 pm
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Bakhtin’s quote says, “Language, for the individual consciousness, is on the borderline between oneself and the other. The word in language is half someone else’s.” In general, for literacy deveolpment i think this means, is how we present our ideas to the readers that we want to focus on reading it. Many things that are […]

Writing an Autobiography using 5 topics Blog 2/5
Thursday February 05th 2009, 9:04 pm
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In the article of “writing an autobiography,” it talks about how narratives are rhetorical meaning it tells readers the truth about life and experiences. I choose 5 topics for our new assignment which I feel very strong about and will be very difficult to choose from. From my topics of friends, schools, family, music and […]

Literacy Narrative Blog 2/6
Thursday February 05th 2009, 8:08 pm
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The five topics I have been thinking about for my literacy narrative paper are: 1.) My friends: I think writing about my friends would be good to talk about since I have been through so many different times in my life where I have many groups of friends, such as, my different jobs-co-workers as friends […]

Blog 2/4/09
Wednesday February 04th 2009, 10:51 am
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A narrative is an individual who expresses ideas of their own. It tells ways of thinking in reading or writing. It is usually a piece of work that tells someone’s own experiences. I think an example of a narrative I did was in my theatre and film class in college, where I had to write about myself. […]

1/30 Group Feedback Blog
Friday January 30th 2009, 11:07 am
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When in our groups today, we discussed what each of us are going to do to present our visual narratives. I had a couple of ideas I was thinking about doing. One of my ideas was to present images of things I used growing up learning literacies. I was going to have slide after slide […]

1/30 Blog
Friday January 30th 2009, 10:39 am
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Recently when working on ideas for my visual narrative, I have thought about trying to do a little story that kind of ties together in a way. I am for sure doing a power point presentation. I have thought about ways as I was growing up, how I learned about visual narratives. I was thinking […]

Questions Blog
Monday January 26th 2009, 9:33 pm
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What did they mean by the “commonsense” beliefs about memory? Why is commonsense in quotations in the Memory article? In the old and new media article, it states that having sensory odors in your work can inject emotional tone without telling readers how to feel, but then there is a bullet point of write stories […]

1/26 Blog Post
Monday January 26th 2009, 10:38 am
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What makes a good visual narrative based on examples we have discussed and viewed in class would be the concepts of reading and writing and how we learn our understanding of literacy. In groups we talked about what literacy is about and different ways we could define our own definition of literacy. I think that […]