4/1 Blog
Wednesday April 01st 2009, 9:37 am
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I feel I worked on my rhetorical analysis at a very timely manner. I was very confused and found the assignment pretty hard to get started on but I did as much as I could by talking to my peers and e-mailing Brittany to help me organized this paper. I felt that if I made […]

3/30 Blog
Monday March 30th 2009, 9:38 am
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Revision helps us understand our mistakes of our paper with other people or outside peers grading them to help us out for things that we do not always see. When writing a paper, there may be mistakes that you do not see, it is always good to have at least two maybe three people read […]

Friday March 27th 2009, 9:35 am
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Today in class I will work on: my introduction, a main focus from what I watched in my PSA and more of an outline diagram to help me get my points together. When working on the peer workshop, it was very helpful to read someone else’s piece of work to see how they got their […]

3/25 Blog
Wednesday March 25th 2009, 9:33 am
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I can not really get started with this rhetorical analysis. I think it is mainly because I do not find it to be a very interesting topic to write about, which makes it difficult. I am having the most troubles with coming up with what to write about in the body paragraphs. I feel my […]

Citing PSA
Monday March 23rd 2009, 9:55 am
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“Cooties.” 20 November 2007. You Tube. Video. 20 March 2009 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6ylxWcwkUM>.

3.23 Blog
Monday March 23rd 2009, 9:37 am
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The criteria that should be used to determine grades for our rhetorical analysis should be pretty much just like any of our other criteria. It should be based on: audience, introduction(how strong it is and that it flows), a good thesis statement that ties well with the rest of our paper, proper english speaking language, […]

Rhetorical Analysis PSA
Thursday March 19th 2009, 10:02 pm
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Cooties I am going to use this PSA called “Cooties” because I think it is very cute and can send a message to different people in different ways. It has a clear audience and a significant message out to people but it is using children which is a more conviencing way to put your point […]

3/18 Blog
Wednesday March 18th 2009, 9:41 am
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I felt the two samples were similar in the fact about the point they were getting across but different with the individual topics they focused on. Powell focues on the similarities and differences with hip-hop from back then to now a days and how it changed. The next sample talks about the overall idea of […]

3/16 Blog
Monday March 16th 2009, 9:38 am
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What I did over spring break was went to Panama City Beach Florida. We went in a group of about 40 people. My roommates and I left on Friday after classes around about 5:00. We were stopping in Cinnicinati at one of my roommates house for dinner. On our way, we were driving on a […]

2/6 Blog
Friday March 06th 2009, 10:37 am
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I have done a portfolio before in english 111 and 112 class. We would write papers periodically through out the semester and at the end of the semester we would have to write one page of how we think we did for our over all portfolio and our strengths and weaknesses. We would put all […]