4/24 Blog
Friday April 24th 2009, 9:35 am
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I think the blogs were a good idea and a nice thing to do each class to reflect and to let you know how we feel about certain things. I think it was nice to see what others had to say about certain assignments as well when we saw them when we commented on their […]

4/22 Blog
Wednesday April 22nd 2009, 7:41 am
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1. Did I provide enough information on the powerpoint that shows my purpose? 2. Is there any changes that I should make on my powerpoint? 3. Is there anything else I need to include in my powerpoint? 4. Is there anything that is unclear? 5. What is the most interesting to you?

4/20 Blog
Monday April 20th 2009, 9:38 am
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In fulfilling this assignment, I see this being very valuable because when demonstrating a particular literacy, you can learn a lot from it and see any mistakes you have made. You can view literacy from many different points of view. Therefore, if you put something in a different perspective on your own, you have a […]

4/17 Blog Project Proposal
Friday April 17th 2009, 9:57 am
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Option 3 Yes I will be using the resume I used for this assignment for this class. I will be picking something from my resume and making it into a presentation. I will be doing a power point presentation. I chose this because I will be focusing on my recent job at the Toledo Zoo. […]

4/15 Blog
Wednesday April 15th 2009, 9:36 am
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I feel this semester we have talked about literacy a lot. There is so much to know about it. Generally I thought it was just a concept used in english that just generally meant reading and writing. I now have learned that literacy means much more than that. It is more of reading and writing […]

4/13 Blog
Monday April 13th 2009, 9:47 am
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In the introduction of my portfolio I will include a brief one page typed out reflection to tell what my blog page is about. I will state all the information that is being presented in my portfolio. I want my pages to say the assignments each by each therefore when the reader looks at my […]

Wednesday April 08th 2009, 10:15 am
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When reading through some of the resumes and cover letters I have learned to really consider my word choices I use when describing why I want to apply for this job and what experience I have had to help support this. I will probably have multiple people look over my resume and cover letter because […]

4/6 Blog
Monday April 06th 2009, 10:04 am
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With working a lot on my resume and cover letter this past weekend and in previous classes, I feel I have a pretty good idea with how to do my resume and cover letter. i think that it is difficult to get the right words you want to use for your cover letter but I […]

4/6 Blog
Monday April 06th 2009, 9:40 am
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Everything is important in the job ad. The number of years of experience is important, the job description is important, these things are important because you need to see if you are even qualified to suit these requirements before you apply for the position. I will show as much detail as I can on my […]

4/3 Blog
Friday April 03rd 2009, 9:35 am
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My understanding of what a resume is an overall description of past jobs experiences and work capabilities to show your own effort and standards for this job in which you are applying for. When applying for a certain job, you fill out a resume accordingly to that specific job. You show all of your past […]