
My name is Sam and I am a current junior with a major of Interpersonal Communication and a Minor in Marketing. I am hoping to pursue in the future a career with Pharmaceutical sales. I did not declare my major until my fourth semester when it is now my fifth. I am still somewhat unsure if pharmaceutical sales is what I really want to do for a career, but that is the route I decided to take because it seems the most interesting to me as of right now. My hometown is about 20 minutes away from here and I am happy with my decision of making the choice to go to college here. I feel I have met a lot of new people and have experienced many different things that has made me who I am today. I am a very open-minded person and I say what is on my mind which could be a bad thing or a good thing. I am most of the time out-going but can also be reserved at times that I should. I love trying new things, but sticking to the old is nice too. I have many ideas that I can express out loud but sometimes have a hard time putting it on paper, therefore I hope taking this course helps me better my writing to do so.

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