2/20 Video Blog
Friday February 20th 2009, 11:01 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Everyone responded to it like it was a very big deal. They passed it around and told their friends and it really shows that news travels fast. The girl whose pictures it is seems very upset and ashamed about the picture. They showed how fast people talk about things and how it is usually bad outcomes. The voice at the end of the preview kind of sounded like this was a deadly thing. They made it sound like the worst thing that anyone could do which is a good voice to have in this type of situation because when viewers hear it, they will be more intimated and scared to do the thing that they are portraying in the message. The text is in red on a black screen which stands out more and is a bit more scary looking. It kind of flashes before your eyes as the voice is talking. I think overall it is a good video to portray viewers not to post things online and that people should really think before they post. I also think it is good that they mentioned at the end that family members will see it too because it shows how friends will see it just within your school and how fast it got passed around but it is also important for them to mention that family members will see it too because I think that means more to most people.

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