2/18 Blog
Wednesday February 18th 2009, 10:43 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Technology is used everyday all around the general public. Mostly everyone you see has a cell phone. They use it to talk on, to text or to surf the web. The web gives everyone the opportunity to surf all the information they want to. If someone wants to know something, all they have to do is log online and with a simple type and click you can find out anything you want to. There is also another popular role of technology which is music. Whether it is in a car, on an ipod/mp3 player, on a stero from a cd or radio music is usually all around us. There are lots of other ways technology is used in our society today. It plays the role of serving others a purpose of enjoyment, entertainment, organization, comfort, and lots of other feelings. People learn from it everyday. However, people may be finding out good information but often bad information too. It helps us keep up with the rest of the world today. It helps us learn, read and write just like literacy does. Some of our greatest literacy experiences are probably most likely from technology. However, for example, just today technology served me a bad purpose because I was trying to upload a paper onto a website and since my version of microsoft was the newest version, it was not uploading correctly. How was that my fault? I blamed the technology.

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