4/24 Blog
Friday April 24th 2009, 9:35 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I think the blogs were a good idea and a nice thing to do each class to reflect and to let you know how we feel about certain things. I think it was nice to see what others had to say about certain assignments as well when we saw them when we commented on their blogs. They were kind of annoying to keep up with but I think it was an useful requirement for the class because it was each of our responsibilities to keep up with them and if we did them or not our grades would show it. I would not like to use them in other classes in the future, i think doing them as an experience in this class was good and was a good idea to have for an english course. It helped me because if I reflected on a topic and I was way off about it, Brittany let me know right away if I had the right idea or not just simply but reading my reflection.

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