6.Rhetorical Analysis

I particularly thought this assignment was the toughest out of all of them. For this assignment, the goal was to show how writers use certain techniques to make their writing more effective. Writers analyze choices they make which allows readers to evaluate their arguments more effectively and respond appropriately. We had to watch a YouTube video of our choice and pick it apart telling what criteria was explained in the video you choose and explaining the significance to the overall meaning of a public service announcement. I feel there are not many PSAs to choose from and it was difficult to analyze how the writer chose the certain techniques that he or she did and how it related to literacy. Some people could take some thing one way and it could mean something totally different. The concept here was to try and think as a writer would and to consider the context and the connections to the criteria used.

Here is my Rhetorical Analysis.

I chose to revise my Rhetorical Analysis.

I told why I chose to revise my Rhetorical Analysis in my Reflection paper.

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