8.Re-Seeing Literacy

For this assignment, we had to take our previous resume that we submitted from our last assignment and choose something from it and present it in some kind of new way. This helps us see our resume at a different level or what I like to say as the “bigger picture.” There were three options we could choose from when doing this assignment. Option 1 was to pick a literacy that we have mentioned on our resume or in our cover letter and demonstrate how it is a literacy that we hold. Then we had to reflect about it. Option 2 consisted of picking a specific type of literacy or literacy act and demonstrating our own level of competency then write a reflection piece about it. Our Option 3 was to choose a piece from our own resume and present the information in a new way. This means we could present it as a video, Power Point presentation, a website or a podcast. Then we had to reflect on it. I chose to do option 3 because I feel that it fit best with describing who I am and how I work with my special skills and talents at a specific job that I work for. This assignment made us think about literacy and how it would be used in our future when applying for a career. It plays an important role in our lives.

I chose option 3 for this assignment and put together a Power Point presentation to show my way of re-seeing my resume information.

I wrote my Reflection for the reason why I chose this option.

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