4/20 Blog
Monday April 20th 2009, 9:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

In fulfilling this assignment, I see this being very valuable because when demonstrating a particular literacy, you can learn a lot from it and see any mistakes you have made. You can view literacy from many different points of view. Therefore, if you put something in a different perspective on your own, you have a better understanding of that particular literacy. You can simply take something in your life and compare it to a specific subject of literacy and reflect on it. You then are talking about your feelings and kind of look at it as a “bigger picture” The value of representing your own resume, will help you elaborate more on a particular focus that you want a company to know that you are applying for. You yourself sees your own strengths and weaknesses as a whole and what to focus more on when apply for a job for your future. When I am re-seeing my resume, I am doing it in a way to represent myself and how I work to prove to a company how I would work for them and the type of person I am when I am talking about my company and giving my own presentation.

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