4/17 Blog Project Proposal
Friday April 17th 2009, 9:57 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Option 3

Yes I will be using the resume I used for this assignment for this class. I will be picking something from my resume and making it into a presentation. I will be doing a power point presentation. I chose this because I will be focusing on my recent job at the Toledo Zoo. Since I “applied” for a pharmaceutical sales specialist position, I figure that making a presentation about the Toledo Zoo will show my way of how I will take part in this position I applied for. I am doing this presentation to kind of “sell” to people the idea of that coming to the Toledo Zoo will be a fun and successful visit. I will provide information about what to do there, how much it costs and things like that. In doing this presentation I will be showing my skills that I put about me on my resume. It will also be about a company I work for now and care about so that the company that I “applied” for will see how I represent the Toledo Zoo and hope that they will want me for the position. It will show in a different way how I represent myself and my special skills and talents that i try to express in my resume and cover letter.

6 thoughts on “4/17 Blog Project Proposal


    This sounds good. I know we talked about your project earlier this week so let me know if you have any questions or concerns as you’re working.

       bcottri on 04.18.09 @ 8:52 am    

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