4/15 Blog
Wednesday April 15th 2009, 9:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I feel this semester we have talked about literacy a lot. There is so much to know about it. Generally I thought it was just a concept used in english that just generally meant reading and writing. I now have learned that literacy means much more than that. It is more of reading and writing in more detail. It has meaning to every piece of writing someone writes. When you write a piece of literacy, you write a piece about yourself and relate it to the significance of everything around you and everything you have learned. I have realized that there are so many different pieces of literacy we can relate to.

One thought on “4/15 Blog

    Great thought about how literacy relates your life experience to your surroundings and what you are learning. I too, through the majesty of Eng 207 have realized that literacy is so much more than being able to read and write.

       kowalsa on 04.15.09 @ 9:39 am    

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