4/1 Blog
Wednesday April 01st 2009, 9:37 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I feel I worked on my rhetorical analysis at a very timely manner. I was very confused and found the assignment pretty hard to get started on but I did as much as I could by talking to my peers and e-mailing Brittany to help me organized this paper. I felt that if I made a better outline I maybe could have found better points to make in for this paper. But I feel my strengths of this assignment was looking at this PSA from different approaches. Brittany helped me out with looking at the PSAs message one way and I was talking to her as if I was looking at the PSA another way. I feel I could have worked on my thesis statement a little bit more to help make improvements to it, however I feel that I covered all the points I mentioned in my intro/thesis paragraph. I feel as if I tied everything together well for a conclusion for the paper but I know that my body paragraphs were some what shakey. I am glad it is over and I turned it in, but this will probably have to be one of my papers I have to revise.

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