3/30 Blog
Monday March 30th 2009, 9:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Revision helps us understand our mistakes of our paper with other people or outside peers grading them to help us out for things that we do not always see. When writing a paper, there may be mistakes that you do not see, it is always good to have at least two maybe three people read over your paper and help correct mistakes so then you can go back and revise your paper to help make it a better stronger paper. You can go over the prompts that need to be in your paper for grading and base the corrections off of that. It is also good to revise someone elses paper because it helps yourself look at other people mistakes and things you see in their paper may help you look over some things in your own paper. I think it is a helpful process when doing the peer workshops because looking back at the notes that my peers left me helps me think about how to develop my paper to make it better and stronger.

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