3/25 Blog
Wednesday March 25th 2009, 9:33 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

I can not really get started with this rhetorical analysis. I think it is mainly because I do not find it to be a very interesting topic to write about, which makes it difficult. I am having the most troubles with coming up with what to write about in the body paragraphs. I feel my introduction is somewhat weak but going into my body paragraphs is very hard. I just do not know what overall to talk about for that many pages about this PSA. I try to look at the sample one given online but it is hard to relate that to the one we are doing for the you tube video. I feel that in the end I will just ramble on talking throughout my paper and it won’t all tie together. I have tried to make an outline for my paper and it is very hard just to do that. I am also a bit confused how to talk about pathos, logos, and ethos within this paper.

10 thoughts on “3/25 Blog


    First off, if you don’t want to talk about ethos, pathos, and logos in relation to this assignment that’s fine. I would recommend you watch your PSA again and think about what sticks out to you? Why does it stick out to you? Write this down quickly and send it to me as an email and we can work together to figure out how you’ll move forward. Keep in mind that your goal in writing this rhetorical analysis is to understand and explain what makes the PSA effective.

    I hope this helped some. If you have further questions or want to run some ideas by me I would strongly recommend you email me.

       bcottri on 03.25.09 @ 1:51 pm    

    Sam, I feel your pain. I get lost in rambling sometimes just because it is easy to fill in space on a blank page. Try researching outside examples of Rhetorical Analyses; that seemed to help me a little bit. I think you will get it!

       kowalsa on 03.27.09 @ 10:09 am    

    I also agree that it is kind of hard to relate the sample that was given to us to the assignment we have to do. I find this to be difficult because in the sample, the writer was using a text analysis whereas we are using examples from a videoclip off of youtube. Nontheless, I plan on getting more help from Brittany as to how I should approach this assignment.

       lsaaved on 03.29.09 @ 5:25 pm    

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