Rhetorical Analysis PSA
Thursday March 19th 2009, 10:02 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized


I am going to use this PSA called “Cooties” because I think it is very cute and can send a message to different people in different ways. It has a clear audience and a significant message out to people but it is using children which is a more conviencing way to put your point across to some people. A message always seems to be different when children are representing it rather than a parent. It took me a very long time to find a PSA, I think they are kind of difficult to look for. But this one caught my eye and I am pretty sure I am going to stick to it. I think it meets all the requirements and I can have a good time writing about it and can easily talk about it for a paper. I look forward to writing and talking about this PSA.

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