3/16 Blog
Monday March 16th 2009, 9:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

What I did over spring break was went to Panama City Beach Florida. We went in a group of about 40 people. My roommates and I left on Friday after classes around about 5:00. We were stopping in Cinnicinati at one of my roommates house for dinner. On our way, we were driving on a busy construction road and stopped suddenly while getting rear ended. We did not get hurt nor did the car we were driving in, the other car however, was pretty bad. This backed our time up somewhat but we still managed to go to Cinnicinati, eat dinner and be on our way again to drive straight through for a car ride of about 15 hours. We arrived on Saturday at about 10 a.m. and things went pretty smoothly from there. Our condo was very nice and roomy, in our room there were 6 of us girls. And all of our friends from our group was spread out through the same hallway we were on. We were here the same time a lot of other students were and MTV was there also. I spent my time laying on the beach, swimming in the pool, partying, shopping, going to dinner and getting free gifts that was lined up along the beach. I also got to go to a Kenny Chesney concert for free and Lil Wayne. It was an overall great experience and I had a lot of fun doing it. We left on Friday night at around 11:00 p.m. and drove straight through to BG arriving here at about 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. We all had to come back to a busy day of homework.

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