2/4 Blog
Wednesday March 04th 2009, 10:36 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Our PSA relates to technology and literacy. We discuss about how the elderly people (the baby boomers) do not really know about the newest technology in our society today. We show how college students should be more considerate in helping their grandparents out with the newest technology. We show this message by using a powerpoint presentation so that the viewers can see and hear how we explain what is going on. Literacy is teaching others to learn how to read and write. In this PSA we are teaching others how to use technology in a literacy kind of way. College students are using their knowledge in literacy and helping the elderly learn a simple way of how to use technology. In our first project we showed the many ways of literacy that are in our life, in our second project we showed how literacy affected the type of person we are today and now we are showing how to use literacy to help the other people around us that need our knowledge.

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