3/2 Blog
Monday March 02nd 2009, 10:35 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Yesterday my group got together and took pictures for our PSA. We had a great plan from the start, but since we could not gather all of the material we switched it around somewhat but it still turned out great. We ended up taking more pictures than we needed but we figured it is better to do too much than too little. It was very simple to do after we had a plan figured out. Our pictures turned out great and now we are just working on putting it together today and working on our script as well. We have divided up our time very wisely so we are not rushed to do everything but we get everything done in a timely manner and to turn in on time. We have all worked together equally as a group and I think this overall experience has been very good. I usually do not like group projects because it is sometimes hard to meet with everyone in your group at a particular time, but our group has worked out quite nicely. We are almost finished!

64 thoughts on “3/2 Blog

    Sam, it sounds like your group is off to a great start! I think pictures sounds like a good idea. I hope the rest of your project works out for you with very little frustrations!

       lpate on 03.02.09 @ 10:43 am    

    I’ll be interested to see what your final product turns out like. It sounds like you are going to be something other than just filming a PSA, like most of the other groups did. Cool!

       dancomp on 03.04.09 @ 10:16 am    


    It sounds like your porject is going to turn out great. I really like how all your group members are organized. It is definitly worth it to have a script and everything planned before the film. That way, filming goes quicker and you get it done better and more accurately.

       alyon on 03.04.09 @ 10:32 am    

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