2/25 Blog
Wednesday February 25th 2009, 10:37 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

A computer is an important tool to have in school because it provides logically information that will help students through their class work. It is an easy way to communicate with other students from a teacher to student or student to student. It helps students stay organized with their classes and class room work. It also helps students with spelling grammar and neatness because otherwise students would have to hand write all of their work which using a computer is easier to use typing wise. Also, it is sometimes hard when students have to write a paper or research something if students were just to use books from the library, books needed may already be checked out and being used so that other students can not access them. When going online to the internet you can just stay at home from your own computer and look up information on your own without having to check anything out or wait to use something because it is being used by another student.


A store clerk

A computer is a good tool to use in education because it helps students stay on task and organized. When it comes to particular classes such as english, it is important when writing a paper to look up information with logical proof supporting your topic you are talking about. Sometimes when a student is in the library, it is very time consuming to try and find that specific book you are looking for to write that paper for the english class. Or when you finally found the book you need in the library, it is already checked out by another student. Therefore, a student could just go onto the internet to look up schloarly journals to help you support your topic without having to wait for that particular book that was already being used. It helps students stay organized and helps people communicate easier with one another. You can talk through many ways but a more easy and best way to communicate is probably through e-mail. When having a problem or concern with something, you could just e-mail that specific person rather than trying to track them down to talk to them about it.

66 thoughts on “2/25 Blog

    Nice work, Sam. Because a conversation with a store clerk is less familiar your tone and argument tactics are similar in the first and second parts of this activity. When we don’t know what to expect from our audience or don’t know why our audience would care about what we’re arguing about it makes it even harder to make are arguments effective. You picked one of the harder alternative audience cards but you did great.

       bcottri on 02.25.09 @ 4:23 pm    

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