Monster Blog 2/13
Friday February 13th 2009, 10:46 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

My monster looks like some kind of mad scientist in the face with a kangaroo shaped body and tail. I used bright green for the spikey hair, the eyes, outline of the mouth, claws on his hands and the claws on his feet. His body if outlined in a turquoise blue, also turquoise blue for the eyebrows, nose, hands/paws, feet/paws, and tail. His body is lightly shaded in with the turquoise blue as well. I used pink to fill in the color for his open mouth and part of his body. My monster is standing up on two legs with his hands/paws in front of him as if he is begging. His tail is visible and sticks straight up behind him. His hair is spikey and all over the place on his head and his mouth is open.

One thought on “Monster Blog 2/13

    You were good at describing the main parts of the body like the mouth, hair, body, head, and tail. You could of added details on the way you colored in your body and maybe have been a little more descriptive on the mad scientist head.

       robharr on 02.13.09 @ 10:59 am    

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