Writing an Autobiography using 5 topics Blog 2/5
Thursday February 05th 2009, 9:04 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

In the article of “writing an autobiography,” it talks about how narratives are rhetorical meaning it tells readers the truth about life and experiences. I choose 5 topics for our new assignment which I feel very strong about and will be very difficult to choose from. From my topics of friends, schools, family, music and soccer my ideal reader would be, since I am in a class, my instructor and or some class mates. According to this article, it would mainly be my small writing groups because they would help me development my writing with their opinions of my work. We all have the same kind of experience such as, taking english courses in high school and college since it was a mandatory requirement for all students. However, each of us as individuals have learned our concepts differently and can help each other out in any way that we can with comments on our writing and our ways of thinking our writing. Already I have learned a lot in our small groups in class with our first assignment of a visual narrative. I think it is good hearing other people’s opinions about a piece of writing you have done, especially someone who is more of a stranger to you because they will give you more honesty versus a friend who gives you advice about a piece of writing.

One thought on “Writing an Autobiography using 5 topics Blog 2/5

    I’m glad to hear that you think the writing groups have helped you to this point, Sam. I think you’re on the right track with your 5 topics so far and on the right track with your audience in mind. This is all good. As your narrowing your topic think about specific instances that will help your reader get an image of the point you’re trying to make.

       bcottri on 02.08.09 @ 7:29 pm    

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