Bakhtin’s quote Blog 2/5
Thursday February 05th 2009, 9:19 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Bakhtin’s quote says, “Language, for the individual consciousness, is on the borderline between oneself and the other. The word in language is half someone else’s.”

In general, for literacy deveolpment i think this means, is how we present our ideas to the readers that we want to focus on reading it. Many things that are written come from different emotions one is having at the time. When writing, we use language, that tells who we are in general and who we are in that moment of writing. This connects to my own writing in literacy development because I will be writing about personal events in my life or people that are important to me and how they impacted my life and in what ways. It will be a good and easy assignment for me because it is just like free writing, like putting my ideas on paper and flowing with great details about it.

2 thoughts on “Bakhtin’s quote Blog 2/5

    I think you did a very good job in defining what a visual narrative should be. I completely agree that when one writes a narrative it is if they have the freedom to confine any thing they want. It does make the writing process easier because writing something you know about makes it easier to put ideas together to make a rich peace of work.

       hamlist on 02.06.09 @ 10:58 am    

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