1/30 Group Feedback Blog
Friday January 30th 2009, 11:07 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

When in our groups today, we discussed what each of us are going to do to present our visual narratives. I had a couple of ideas I was thinking about doing. One of my ideas was to present images of things I used growing up learning literacies. I was going to have slide after slide of pictures of movies, books, games, music, and so on. When telling my group this, they understood what I was telling them, but I realized when I was explaining what I was thinking about doing outloud, it was more confusing then I was actually thinking. Therefore, I thought about changing my idea to a day on campus. I was thinking about walking around on campus sometime this weekend and take pictures of what I do on a daily basis. I would start maybe by taking pictures of me waking up with my alarm on my cell phone, then getting on my laptop checking my e-mail, then driving to campus maybe taking pictures of signs such as a STOP sign, then taking a picture of in a classroom with writing on a chalkboard and me sitting in a desk taking notes, then a picture of me at work helping customers, just something along this route. When telling my group this new idea I was having, then agreed that it would be a lot better to do and it was easier for me to explain to them so I would be more comfortable with the project and it would not be as hard to do. My ideas may change if I think about it more this weekend. It was easy to talk to my group since we are all doing powerpoints and no one in my group (3/4 of us who were in class today) was doing a video, so it was easier to talk more about ideas to do and help each other out more.

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