1/26 Blog Post
Monday January 26th 2009, 10:38 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

What makes a good visual narrative based on examples we have discussed and viewed in class would be the concepts of reading and writing and how we learn our understanding of literacy. In groups we talked about what literacy is about and different ways we could define our own definition of literacy. I think that visual narrative has a lot to do with this such as the video clips and powerpoint examples we saw in class.

What makes a bad visual narrative would be one thing we pointed out was not citing where we got our pictures and sources in the end of our presentation. Brittany made many comments about the examples we saw in class the particular ones who had cited their sources and who didn’t. Also it is based on how creative the person gets with what visual narrative actually represents. It is better to show visual narratives by not using detailed words. It avoids typos by briefly typing words than using detailed words. In one example we saw, it had a bunch of writing that did not make sense and was not in order and made it confusing to follow. It is better to show more pitcures and action describing the pictures than using words or sentences that you actually have to read when viewing the presentation.

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