Week 1 Post 1 1/14
Thursday January 15th 2009, 10:03 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

1. What I expect from this class is to have a good understanding on how to stay organized and maybe get feedback from other students about my work that will help me in the future with my career. I have never done blogging before, so I hope to have a good idea of how blogging really works since it is so popular in today’s society.

2. My opinion of what literacy means is that it is having the ability to read and being able to comprehend what you read. In terms of writing from a more of a personal view. I think it is more opinion statements that relate to the modern world.

3. We write because it helps us explore our ideas on paper and helps us get our own opinions out to others. We read it, we learn from it and it helps us express more ideas to come up with concepts. This is how people learn and think of new things to express to our society today.

One thought on “Week 1 Post 1 1/14


    Nice work on your first blog. I hope that this class meets your expectations. We will be working hard this semester to work together as a class to improve your writing and also to explore new ways people are using literacy (like blogging!).

    Nice work!

       bcottri on 01.20.09 @ 10:15 pm    

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