1/30 Group Feedback Blog
Friday January 30th 2009, 11:07 am
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When in our groups today, we discussed what each of us are going to do to present our visual narratives. I had a couple of ideas I was thinking about doing. One of my ideas was to present images of things I used growing up learning literacies. I was going to have slide after slide […]

1/30 Blog
Friday January 30th 2009, 10:39 am
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Recently when working on ideas for my visual narrative, I have thought about trying to do a little story that kind of ties together in a way. I am for sure doing a power point presentation. I have thought about ways as I was growing up, how I learned about visual narratives. I was thinking […]

Questions Blog
Monday January 26th 2009, 9:33 pm
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What did they mean by the “commonsense” beliefs about memory? Why is commonsense in quotations in the Memory article? In the old and new media article, it states that having sensory odors in your work can inject emotional tone without telling readers how to feel, but then there is a bullet point of write stories […]

1/26 Blog Post
Monday January 26th 2009, 10:38 am
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What makes a good visual narrative based on examples we have discussed and viewed in class would be the concepts of reading and writing and how we learn our understanding of literacy. In groups we talked about what literacy is about and different ways we could define our own definition of literacy. I think that […]

1/23 Blog
Friday January 23rd 2009, 10:43 am
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– We use visuals so we can use our reading and writing skills to draw maps, diagrams, interpret symbols such as when we are driving and see a stop sign. We use visual literacy every day. A visual makes its meanings with images or patterns or sequences. Simply by seeing something makes us learn from […]

Post 2 1/16 Blog
Friday January 16th 2009, 11:19 am
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In an average week, some literacy acts I perform would be listening to people talk as I go from place to place, understanding what is being said in class when a professor is talking, speaking by answering questions that are presented in class or talked about amongst my friends, reading homework assignments or the daily […]

Week 1 Post 1 1/14
Thursday January 15th 2009, 10:03 pm
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1. What I expect from this class is to have a good understanding on how to stay organized and maybe get feedback from other students about my work that will help me in the future with my career. I have never done blogging before, so I hope to have a good idea of how blogging […]