1.Reflective Introduction

For this class we had to put together a portfolio that included all of our class work. This includes each of our projects: visual narrative, literacy narrative, PSA, Rhetorical analysis, resume/cover letter/reflection, and our re-seeing project. It also will include two revisions and two revision reflections to which ever project we chose to revise. There will also be introduction pieces to each of the projects telling what the projects consisted of and the main goal to each of the projects. This portfolio was meant for a way to collect and demonstrate each of our abilities and talents for each piece of work. I took my time and worked hard on this portfolio and organized it in a way to show my growth, process, and success. I usually keep track of all of my work that I do in a folder, but that would mean I would have to waste paper and print off all of my work I did for this class. By doing this portfolio, it is easier to access my online work in a blog because it helps me stay organized, it saves all of my work so I can return to it where I left off whenever I want to, and it helps me see how I have grown as a writer in each of my work as the semester progressed.

I think overall I did fairly well in this class with all of the assignments, but you can see a difference in my works especially with the revisions. When first coming into this class I thought literacy was just another way of talking about reading and writing. I always knew it was related to an English class but I never knew the detailed many ways of literacy before taking this class. Literacy can be used in many different ways and forms. The one time I learned about literacy the most is when we had to do a visual narrative about ourselves and how we used literacy in our everyday lives. This helped me a lot learn about what literacy really is because it showed me that I knew and understood what it was by simply stating events that take place in my every day life. Once I learned what literacy was, I realized that I have learned about it throughout my whole life from friends, parents, each of the different schools I attended to, even books and magazines. Literacy is all around us each and everyday, a lot of us just do not really realize it. When doing each assignment, we had to keep relating it back to literacy. I think this was a good concept to consider because it helped me keep focused and it taught me something new everyday in each assignment.

I think the project I am most proud of would be my rhetorical analysis. I thought this assignment was the hardest of them all. We had to choose a public service announcement from the You Tube website and write about it. It was not just any form of writing though. It was more of a detailed explanation of what the video was about and how it related to the concepts of the class that we learned such as the audience, credibility, ethos, and what the whole message of the PSA was about.

It was interesting for me to see how as we were introduced to each assignment, they all had a connection to each other in the end. We started off with the visual narrative assignment in which the purpose was to grasp our understanding of what this course was going to be about and how it related to our everyday lives. Next we did the literacy narrative which we had to take one piece of information that we talked about in our visual narrative and expressed it in a detailed manner how that specific piece changed our lives. Next we had the PSA assignment which we did in a group and conducted a video of some sort to show our own way of understanding the difference between a PSA and a commercial ad, this way our group could conduct some kind of message sent out to a specific audience to help our understanding because in our next assignment, was our rhetorical analysis in which we took what we learned from the PSA we made in our group, and found a different PSA on the youtube website and told about it. The next assignment was the resume and cover letter in which is an obvious explanation but was a great assignment for students to get them ready to take and use their writing skills. Each of us developed in our previous assignments strong feedback which increased our writing skills and put our skills together to talk about our own strengths in our everyday lives. Finally, there was our re-seeing assignment which was to take a piece of our resume or cover letter and present it in a different way to show viewers what our strengths and weaknesses were. I think this was a good overall end of the class project because it took everything we learned from the beginning and turned it in a different way for a different understanding of literacy. They all connect with each other by developing the different ways of how to view literacy in our everyday lives and in our future to come.

As you look through my portfolio and reading over each of my assignments in it, I hope you get the same kind of understanding in which I gained from taking this class. You will see my skills develop in many areas of organization, clarity, description and success. It is a good feeling to look back at all of my work and personally see how my work strengthened who I am today. I hope you enjoy looking through my work and provide any feedback that you are willing to provide. Thanks for your time and consideration. I hope you like it.

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