Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

HW 9/21

Monday, September 21st, 2009

I really do not really like any of the picks. I would rather be able to talk about what I feel is an issue. Not have to write on something I really do not care about. But out of the three I am going to write on promo number two because I had a MySpace and have a Facebook now. Because I really do not care about what teachers are doing to prevent cheating. No matter what new tools are being mad students will always find away to cheat if they truly want to. So all the time people are putting into trying to stop them I see as being pointless. Nor do I think you can ever limit what is on the internet because no matter what the thing is I am sure someone out there is going to have a problem with it sooner or later. I picked this one because I have had to deal with the whole my parents wanted access to my MySpace account, emails, and ext. I want to argue for the parents. When everything happened between my parents and I, I thought that there was no way in hell they were ever going to have my password for anything because it was mine, about me, and had nothing to do with them. But after all was said and done I was happy with what my parents did because they care and want only the best for me no matter what I think.

Argueing on a point

Friday, September 18th, 2009

I agree on the topic on kids knowing that they should stay away from pedophiles while online. I believe that they are smart enough that they will know when a pedophile is trying to lure them into a trap of some kind. I also agree on the fact of ninety percent all teenagers have either a face book or MySpace profile mainly because it is an extremely easy way to be in contact with their friends.
Now while writing papers one extremely important point is to stay focused on the topic that you are writing about. If you don’t stay focused on the topic you tend to stray off on other random topics that are not as important as the main topic. While arguing your position on a topic you need to have a clear position and not be wishy washy and making points for both sides. Also while writing on an argument you need to have plausible points on why you feel your side is the correct. Last and not least you must recognize the opposing sides arguments so you can bring up points to defer their argument.

Homework 9/14

Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

Part 1: The clips that we watched I really did not under stand to tell the truth. The one I did get was the one with Obama’s speech. That when some one of a higher power is talking that you should not say anything because it is rude. Not only did it interrupt the whole thing it all so made a lot of people mad. Obama stopped right away and looked at the guy. But Nancy you could see it in her face that she was in shock by what the guy said to Obama.
Part 2: Arguing can be okay when it’s planned and structured like at compaction. But when it comes from being mad or in a moment that is when it crosses the line. People can truly get hurt by peoples words or they can feel like they are bellow someone. I feel that no one should be put down by an argument. This country was found on the belief of freedom. So everyone can have their own beliefs and thoughts on things and no one should ever try to test that.

9/9/09 class

Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

I need to work on “Is enough information included so the topic is clear to the reader?” because i feel that i did not focus enough on the story or what I believe to be true.


Wednesday, September 9th, 2009

Samantha Marshall
When it comes to my this I believe essay I feel like I need to change a little bit of everything on my paper. When I wrote my rough draft it was very hard to do because it was the first time I have really talked about Drew’s death. I feel like I need to make it flow better. So I want to make the first part grab the reader more. Probable less of the story about my little cousin because I feel it is to negative. And talk more about what it is I believe because I feel it is not to clear that my belief is faith and not God. But the biggest thing I want to change is how much time I spend on the song. That song is what changed my life and my belief. So I feel that just a brief cover is not enough, because where my baby cousin dyeing was very sad and dramatically changed my life for forever, that song changed my belief. I am hoping that after I do a few changes the story will be less depressing and negative and more about my belief and being uplifting to show that what happens in life is there to make you a better person.

This I believe

Monday, August 31st, 2009

1. All the essays had one set belief that they talked about. Also they had one moment that changed their values.
2. When writing this I should not preach and i should stay on topic.

Hello world!

Friday, August 28th, 2009

Welcome to by COBL. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!


Friday, August 28th, 2009

Writing is important because it is an outlet for the writer and a way to be heard. Some people my write in a journal every day but never show anyone. to them this is away of letting things out and not holding them inside. But writing can also be a way to be heard< like this blog.

I feel writing is important  because it is away to express yourself if you are on the shy side and do not feel like talking in front of a whole class.

Writing is important not only because it will help you with your spelling and reading but it is also away that you can say what ever is on your mind. So if you feel you can not tell me something but you need to get it off your chest you can write it down.

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