HW 9/21

I really do not really like any of the picks. I would rather be able to talk about what I feel is an issue. Not have to write on something I really do not care about. But out of the three I am going to write on promo number two because I had a MySpace and have a Facebook now. Because I really do not care about what teachers are doing to prevent cheating. No matter what new tools are being mad students will always find away to cheat if they truly want to. So all the time people are putting into trying to stop them I see as being pointless. Nor do I think you can ever limit what is on the internet because no matter what the thing is I am sure someone out there is going to have a problem with it sooner or later. I picked this one because I have had to deal with the whole my parents wanted access to my MySpace account, emails, and ext. I want to argue for the parents. When everything happened between my parents and I, I thought that there was no way in hell they were ever going to have my password for anything because it was mine, about me, and had nothing to do with them. But after all was said and done I was happy with what my parents did because they care and want only the best for me no matter what I think.

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