Argueing on a point

I agree on the topic on kids knowing that they should stay away from pedophiles while online. I believe that they are smart enough that they will know when a pedophile is trying to lure them into a trap of some kind. I also agree on the fact of ninety percent all teenagers have either a face book or MySpace profile mainly because it is an extremely easy way to be in contact with their friends.
Now while writing papers one extremely important point is to stay focused on the topic that you are writing about. If you don’t stay focused on the topic you tend to stray off on other random topics that are not as important as the main topic. While arguing your position on a topic you need to have a clear position and not be wishy washy and making points for both sides. Also while writing on an argument you need to have plausible points on why you feel your side is the correct. Last and not least you must recognize the opposing sides arguments so you can bring up points to defer their argument.

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