Homework 9/14

Part 1: The clips that we watched I really did not under stand to tell the truth. The one I did get was the one with Obama’s speech. That when some one of a higher power is talking that you should not say anything because it is rude. Not only did it interrupt the whole thing it all so made a lot of people mad. Obama stopped right away and looked at the guy. But Nancy you could see it in her face that she was in shock by what the guy said to Obama.
Part 2: Arguing can be okay when it’s planned and structured like at compaction. But when it comes from being mad or in a moment that is when it crosses the line. People can truly get hurt by peoples words or they can feel like they are bellow someone. I feel that no one should be put down by an argument. This country was found on the belief of freedom. So everyone can have their own beliefs and thoughts on things and no one should ever try to test that.

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