Dec 05 2010

Virtual World Article

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Esteves, M., Fonseca, B., Morgado L., & Martins, P. (2009).  Pedagogy, education, and innovation in 3-D virtual worlds – Using Second Life for Problem Based Learning in Computer Science Programming. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 2(1), 4-8.

Why did you select this article?

I thought this article was interesting as it relates to teaching computer programming.  It uses the specific context of Second Life in a computer science courses. To teach an introductory computer programming course, this approach is more unique and replaces the traditional method of teaching it.

 Briefly describe experimental question(s)

There were a few research questions the article sought to discover.  Those included information on the problems for both teachers and students in using SL, and if those problems can be solved and how?”

Provide concise description of the methods used

The action research methodology was utilized for this article since it is best for research interactive processes. The action research methodology is a cyclical process that incorporates four steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection upon the results.  This is utilized because there is not enough research literature on the field of study.  The field of the study is the case with the use of multi-user virtual worlds to teach programming.

 Discuss results/findings

The article concluded that using Second Life as a platform for teaching and learning a programming language could benefit novice students.  In addition, specific factors motivated the students in choosing this way of learning. The majority of students mentioned that they wanted to try a new form of learning with computer programming class compared to the traditional way.

 Give an example of how you may use the ideas in this presentation in the business education classroom. Be specific with the content area, etc.

  • Within a Computer Programming class to in high school, Second Life could be an option to teach specific computer programming concepts to the students.  It would be fun and interesting for the student and a different way to teach the content.

Give an example of how the ideas in this presentation may transfer to the business/industry/health care environment.

Second Life is also being used by many businesses to help promote products and services.  This could be a great way to allow your students to build the knowledge and skills of how important virtual worlds are in the business world.

What is your opinion of this research

I truly enjoyed the article and how it could apply successful to teach the course of computer programming.  I never enjoyed this class and I believe students would enjoy it more if this method was used.

7 responses so far

7 thoughts on “Virtual World Article

  1.   Rose Kuceyeskion 09 Dec 2010 at 11:38 pm     Reply1

    Yes, SL is a great platform for teaching computer skills. Plus, we know the value of problem-based learning too.

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