Nov 29 2010

A day in the life of web 2.0

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Overall, I truly enjoyed reading the information presented in this article.  I believe there are many similar things I could incorporate into my own classroom.  One thing that the article discusses is using wikis for study guides when reviewing for tests.  I believe this would be a great thing to utilize in the classroom as students are practicing collaboration and can share other students’ inputs when preparing for a test.  The other aspect that would be very beneficial in business education classroom is using blogs.  I feel that using blogs many different purposes have many benefits for the teachers, students, and parents.  Many parents like to know what is going on in their child’s academic life.  This provides a way for teachers to communicate to parents in an effective manner if the parents have any questions regarding the class their child is in. 

There were a few strengths and weaknesses perceived throughout this article.  I believe a significant strength of the article is collaboration among teachers, students, and parents.  This 21st skill is a skill students need to continue to practice because it is a skill that is essential in the work force.  A weakness I perceive this article discussed was using blogging for posting assignments.  I do believe this is a great way to assess students.  However, some students may be a little hesitant to fully describe their opinions and ideas on a certain concept if other students can see their posts.

One response so far

One thought on “A day in the life of web 2.0

  1.   Rose Kuceyeskion 30 Nov 2010 at 8:37 pm     Reply1

    I agree with you about the weakness. I guess this is something that would need to be addressed with the students. Plus, just how controversial the assigned topics are may deter students from sharing. Then again, it does seem that this Gen Y group likes to share–just look at their Facebook pages.

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