Nov 22 2010

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 was very significant for many reasons.  It truly focused on many resources that educators could utilize in their classroom and the need for change within the educational system.  Change is everywhere as it relates to education.  This chapter discussed changes as it relates to a school’s curriculum, and the way we teach our students.  Students are coming into the classroom with more knowledge about technology and it is essential for us as teachers to embrace this change.  With students in today’s society being more aware of technology, we must incorporate technology into daily lessons.  The students are more interested when teachers use technology because they can relate to the material on a level that is more connected to their lives.

An additional point this chapter discussed was professional development.  It is a necessity for teachers to keep up to date on the emerging technologies available to use in the classroom.  If teachers understand these changes, they are more understanding of the benefits and would be more willing to incorporate Web 2.0 resources into the classroom!

3 responses so far

3 thoughts on “Chapter 9

  1.   lpatlinon 22 Nov 2010 at 6:06 pm     Reply1

    The focus about relating to students on their level of technology is the point I thought was most important too!

  2.   Rose Kuceyeskion 22 Nov 2010 at 10:41 pm     Reply2

    Yes, business education is a dynamic field and we do have to keep up to date. Your PLN can help with this.

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