Oct 04 2010

Chapter 5

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As technology continues to change, it is so important for all educators to gain knowledge about the changes because it will impact their students within the classroom.  The two main aspects I got away from this chapter was the discussion of how teachers are not trained in technology sufficiently and what could potentially done to improve the training of those teachers.  There is a significant amount of money that is spent on training teachers, and it is important to establish if those teachers that have been taken professional development have been integrating what they learned into their classroom.  The main challenge for administration is establishing if there is a real difference in which technology is being used.

The other element that I took away from this chapter is professional learning communities. These can be a great place for teachers to grow, learn, and collaborate with other educators.  The main challenge is encouraging participation with these communities among teachers.  It is essential to maintain active collaboration as this is the main benefit for these tools.

3 responses so far

3 thoughts on “Chapter 5

  1.   ctusingon 04 Oct 2010 at 5:54 pm     Reply1

    It is very crucial that we are educated on the technology presented in our classrooms.

  2.   Rose Kuceyeskion 16 Oct 2010 at 8:55 pm     Reply2

    It’s hard to decide what to train future teachers in regarding the technology. As we know it changes so rapidly.

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