Sep 19 2010

Chapter 4

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The concept behind the New Technology High School is a very interesting one.  This specific model is very beneficial for any school district because is utilizes project- and problem-based learning.  With this method of teaching and learning, students are able to continue building teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills necessary for them to be successful in the workplace.  “The most important aspect of the New Tech High model is that it was developed as part of an overall education reform effort and to implement a 21st-cenutry learning environment” (pg. 79).  I think it is essential for this pedagogical approach to be put into action within our schools because it will continue to help prepare our students think critically and collaboratively.  However, it is difficult for many districts to implement this model because of funding.  I think this will be a challenge to incorporate this method, but because of its importance, needs to continually be examined in every option.  

This chapter also discusses many different classroom applications for learning and teaching content within the classroom.  A few tools that I believe would be truly beneficial in my classroom include Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting, and Digital Storytelling.  I believe many of these tools will also allow for subjects and teachers to integrate teaching and learning.  

  1. Blogs are a very diverse tool that can be used in many different ways in the classroom.  This chapter discusses its use for the writing process.  This is very beneficial in any content area within a school.  However, a great example for a business or marketing education classroom would be the use of a weekly journal.  Students could post thoughts of a specific concept and their classmates could comment accordingly.
  2. I believe Wikis are truly vital for any collaborative project that a teacher could use in the classroom.  “Wikis keep track of changes and teachers can monitor progress to see if someone is taking over or if someone isn’t doing his or her fair share of the work” (pg. 81).  This is a great tool to ensure all students are collaborating appropriately during a specific project.
  3. I believe podcasts are valuable tools that many businesses are already using.  It would be a great resource to use in any subject area, but especially important in a business classroom.  I believe a great example would be listening to someone who specializes in a certain area.  Students could be engaged and listen to someone who has a different perspective.
  4. Digital Storytelling allows for students to create a personal multimedia story.  I think this would be a great resource to use as students can really bring out their creative and critical thinking skills towards a specific project.  A great example I believe is in a Marketing classroom creating an Advertisement project. 

3 responses so far

3 thoughts on “Chapter 4

  1.   Rose Kuceyeskion 19 Sep 2010 at 7:26 pm     Reply1

    Yes, a lot of great tools were discussed here. Now how to integrate into your objectives

  2.   ashtoncon 19 Sep 2010 at 9:52 pm     Reply2


    Thinking critically is a large skill that all people should have and all students should be trained in learing. Great job in stating critical thinking into your blog and sharing the importance of it. With technology on the rise, if students are not able to think criticaly and or problem solve, then they will have to wait around for some person to fix their problems. Technology is growing, which sometimes I think moves people to be more lazy and not have to think as much. For instance, spelling, we do not really need to think about and focus on spelling when we have one button that will spell check much faster than our eyes. The field of education is interesting and it is growing into something a little more different than when we were in school.

  3.   ctusingon 20 Sep 2010 at 2:55 pm     Reply3

    Digital Storytelling is a neat tool, because it allows us to see how creative the students can get, as well as let us know more about them as an individual.

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