Archive for December, 2010

Dec 05 2010

Cloud Computing

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Title: What is Cloud Computing?  Author: Dr. Malinka Ivanova Dr. Ivonova is currently working as a lecturer in Technical University of Sofia, College of Energetics and Electronics.  In addition she is in charge of two courses: Internet Technologies and Computer Graphics in College of Energetics and Electronics.  She holds a PhD in Automation of Engineering […]

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Dec 05 2010

Virtual World Article

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Esteves, M., Fonseca, B., Morgado L., & Martins, P. (2009).  Pedagogy, education, and innovation in 3-D virtual worlds – Using Second Life for Problem Based Learning in Computer Science Programming. Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, 2(1), 4-8. Why did you select this article? I thought this article was interesting as it relates to teaching computer […]

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