Archive for November, 2010

Nov 29 2010

A day in the life of web 2.0

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Overall, I truly enjoyed reading the information presented in this article.  I believe there are many similar things I could incorporate into my own classroom.  One thing that the article discusses is using wikis for study guides when reviewing for tests.  I believe this would be a great thing to utilize in the classroom as […]

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Nov 22 2010

Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 was very significant for many reasons.  It truly focused on many resources that educators could utilize in their classroom and the need for change within the educational system.  Change is everywhere as it relates to education.  This chapter discussed changes as it relates to a school’s curriculum, and the way we teach our […]

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Nov 08 2010

Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 focused on different groups of students within the education system who could benefit from the use of technology in the classroom and at home.  Those include English as a Second Language (ESL) learners and students with special needs.  Blogs are an excellent way to provide authentic language activities to those students that aren’t […]

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