Oct 25 2010

Chapter 7

Filed under Uncategorized

This specific chapter discussed online safety and security as it relates to the educational environment.  While the internet is a wonderful tool for children, there can be hidden (and not so hidden) dangers. With clear usage guidelines, some supervision and the right monitoring software, however, it is possible to keep it safe as you surf.  Online safety and security, like most things, begin at home, especially as the internet is playing an increasingly larger role in family life.  Parents have to manage this by a case of graded supervision, teaching their children about good conduct on the internet, coupled with the use of appropriate filtering software on their laptop or desktop. 

Another aspect that is a worry for school districts and parents is cyber bullying.  It is essential for parents to teach their children not to engage in cyber-bullying.  This can be defined as what is acceptable use of the internet, mobile phones and other technologies or forms of communication within the school.  On the other hand if their child is the victim most of the time no crime has been committed in a legal sense.  Often it is the case that cyber-bullying has real-life roots and the child knows the bully from daily life.  I believe it is important to talk to the child’s teachers confidentially as well as the child him/herself.  Of course, parents must rely on the teacher to ensure their child is safe online when they are at school and there are standard guidelines for every school to follow.

6 responses so far

6 thoughts on “Chapter 7

  1.   Rose Kuceyeskion 27 Oct 2010 at 5:17 pm     Reply1

    I agree that the teacher and administration must act in the child’s best interest when in school.

  2.   mdietzon 01 Nov 2010 at 12:55 pm     Reply2

    I just watched an entire movie on bullying and it effect at schools. It is a big issue that is growing not only in schools face to face, but also via technology and schools need to make sure they are taking a strict stance on this issue.

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