Archive for September, 2010

Sep 27 2010


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BGSU Intro

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Sep 27 2010


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Sep 20 2010

Podcast: Education Related

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The Education Podcast Network offers a wide range of podcast programming that may be helpful to teachers looking for content to teach in any subject area, and to explore issues of teaching and learning in the 21st century.  The specific title I chose to view to on this site was “CareerStrides Podcast.”   Within this area […]

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Sep 20 2010

Podcast: Business-Related

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I found this podcast on a website called Podcast Alley.  This specific business related podcast title was Business Daily.  It provides a new topic and podcast throughout the week. In addition, it examines the big issues facing the global economy, and asks the questions about free trade, technology and investment. There is also analysis of […]

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Sep 19 2010

Chapter 4

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The concept behind the New Technology High School is a very interesting one.  This specific model is very beneficial for any school district because is utilizes project- and problem-based learning.  With this method of teaching and learning, students are able to continue building teamwork, critical thinking, and communication skills necessary for them to be successful […]

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Sep 12 2010

Chapter 3

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There are so many Web 2.0 tools available for anyone to access and utilize in their everyday lives.  These tools are allowing for more collaboration and effective communication than ever before.  It is essential for educators to understand this, and utilize Web 2.0 tools in their classrooms to engage students in the teaching and learning […]

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Sep 12 2010

Chapter 2

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When reflecting back after reading this chapter, it is all about student change.  The makeup of students in our classrooms is different now than ever before.  I believe it is essential to embrace this change in a positive manner, and understand that 21st century students need to be taught differently.  By understanding your students, it […]

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