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Speech #4

Speech #4 was by far my best speech of the semester! I didn’t feel as nervous as I usually do, nor did I stutter or shake like I usually do. I think it was because I prepared so much for this speech to avoid that from happennig again. I practiced the speech a couple times before class and I knew the material I was speaking about very well. That’s something that I feel is important when giving a speech: speak about something you have great interest or knowledge with. It will always make your speech better overall.

I felt that I kept the audience’s attention throughout the entire speech as I picked a topic that not many people were familiar with, but had interest in learning about. Since the audience appeared interested it made it easier on me to deliver the message and points I needed too.

The main problem or critisism I have of my speech was that about halfway through I realized my eye contact with the audience was lacking. I realized I was staring at the visual aid (presentation) and my notecards, more than the audience. I changed this immediately, but I think this was definitely a mistake on my part. As the speech went on I got more comfortable up front, so the fact that I was a little anxious at the start is probably why I kept looking away from the audience. I’m glad I noticed the problem and fixed it before the end of my speech, but I have to fix that for my next speech. Hopefully my next speech can be flawless, especially after I receive feedback from Samara and my peers!

~ by ryanc on April 24, 2009 .

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